About Kathleen

I paint primarily in watercolor and acrylics. Watercolor lets me play with light and color; acrylics encourage a layered painting style with great depth. Because playing with art is fun, I also sometimes use oil and cold wax, and collage.
I have studied with many talented artists. Those who have influenced me most are Skip Lawrence, James Kirk, Dee Franks, Arnie Westerman and Earl Hamilton.
I have been a member of the Watercolor Society of Oregon since 1994. I am active in the Arts Alliance of Yamhill County, which annually sponsors the Art Harvest Studio Tour, in which I have participated since 1997. In 2005, I joined with 5 partners to create Currents Gallery in McMinnville, OR, and we have since been running this successful Gallery.
My work has been accepted in many juried shows, including those sponsored by the Watercolor Society of Oregon, Beaverton Showcase, the Northwest Watercolor Society, the Coos Art Museum, the OSU Forestry Center, the International Pinot Noir Festival, Village Gallery, Painter’s Showcase and the Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts.
Seven of my paintings are in the permanent collections of Chemeketa Community College, McMinnville and Salem campuses, six paintings are at the Allison Hotel in Newberg, one at the Oregon Health Science University, and fifteen at the Atticus Hotel in McMinnville. People worldwide collect my work.
Currents Gallery in McMinnville currently represents me.
Color Mixing Video
Kathleen describes ways to mix colors and to save money in the process! Click here.
Currents Gallery
Currents Gallery is owned by Kathleen and 6 other artists. We represent 60+ artists.
Please visit Currents Gallery to see some of my paintings in person.
Or visit our website here.
Interested in Classes?
Several downloadable zoom video classes, taught by Kathleen, are available. Click here.